WCSM Headline News

Mar 19, 2025

Rockford Council meeting for this week

Official Rockford Council minutes:

Council called to order by Mayor Searight on March 18, 2025 at 7:30 pm.


Let us Pray – Dear God, we give you thanks for the warmer weather that we have been enjoying the past few days. We ask that you bless this meeting and the discussions. We also ask that you bless the Village of Rockford and all the people that live or work here. We pray this in your Holy name. Amen.


Pledge of Allegiance


Those present: Marcas Heitkamp, Mark Heitkamp, Luke Stephenson, Mary Beougher, Shane Young. Chris Heitkamp absent


Also attending: Chief Stetler, Ross Finke, Robbie Peel, Erin G from the Daily Standard, Al and Kay Brandt.


Motion Marcas to accept the agenda as orders of the day. Second Mark.

Luke called for the question. Marcas = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Shane = y. Passed 5 yes.


Motion Mary to accept the minutes from the March 18, 2025 council meeting as presented. Second Marcas. Luke called for the question. Mary = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mark = y, Shane = y. Passed 5 yes.



Mayor’s Report and Correspondence


We are seeing signs of warmer weather and for most of us that’s a welcome thing. We can finally get out and do things that we like and enjoy. We do, however, need to be aware of the weather.


In the past we have seen some dangerous storms come through our general area. We have been spared and haven’t seen as much damage as other areas. But - God forbid -it could happen here and we need to be prepared. Each of us should have enough water, food and medical supplies for at least 3 days. We may not have electricity, or phone services, roads might be blocked – all these can hinder daily life.


The key to preparing is to ‘be prepared’, listen to weather reports, have phone apps that notify you of dangerous weather conditions. Inform your children of

what to do in case of bad weather and have a plan – where to meet and find adequate shelter. Once again ‘be prepared’.


The Mercer County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) has recommended going to the Mercer County Sheriff’s Office web page and you can sign up for NIXLE – this is an alert for hazards that have been reported within the county. This would be utilized if we had any type of emergency here in Rockford. This would provide our residents with information you need to know. It will be basic information and not a lot of detail but a reliable source.


Franklin St and what is left of the old street needs to be avoid as much as possible. If you live on that street, please be aware of changes that will occur very quickly. Some things happen that are not planned - so please be patient, be observant, and above all be careful. The project will be finished in a couple of months.


Remember ‘It’s better to give more than you take, and you’ll receive more than you give.


God Bless you.


Thank you – Mayor Searight.


Upcoming Community information & events:


Wednesday - March 19th - Ohio State wide Tornado warning test – 9:50 am


Village office – Closed March 26 – 28


Tuesday – April 1st – Spotter training – Wright State


Saturday – April 5 - Parkway 5K


Saturday – April 5 – Lions Club Quarter Auction – Community Building


Saturday – April 12 – Rockford Fire Department – Pancake Day


Saturday - April 12 – Parkway Prom


Saturday – April 19 – Shanes Park Easter Egg Hunt








Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple


Subdivision Phase II – paperwork has been completed and we are going out to bid this week. Bids will be opened on April 2nd. Anticipating the job to be completed by the end of the year.


Franklin St ---- back on schedule.


Shanes Park --- installed cameras to eliminate vandalism but, if it does occur we will know who is responsible.


Property Maintenance ---- grass cutting season is upon us – please be reminded that grass / weeds need to be cut on a regular basis. If we have to – we will send a letter giving the property owner 7 days to comply. If the owner doesn’t comply the Village will mow the property at a rate of $250 per hour. 1 min = 1 hour. This rate is not prorated. Once the Village mows/ and or trims weeds the property an invoice will be sent to the owner and if not paid by August the fees will be assessed to the property tax bill.


The Village purchased a Dura patch machine and we will be working on filling pot holes and make some needed street repairs this Spring and Summer as time permits.


Need to set up a Service Committee meeting – discussion on park issues, cleaning etc.



Committee Reports:


Finance Committee: Shane Young


Motion Shane to pay the bills as presented- $9683.48.

Second Luke. Mark called for the question. Shane = y, Luke = y, Mark =y, Marcas = y, Mary = y. Passed 5 yes.


Motion Shane. Second Marcas to accept the Mayors court pay in of $213. Luke called for the question. Shane = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mark = y, Mary = y. Passed 5 yes.


Motion Shane to approve additional purchase orders. Second Luke. Marcas called for the question. Shane = y, Luke = y, Marcas = y, Mark = y, Mary = y. Passed 5 yes.





Rules Committee: Mark Heitkamp


Service Committee: Mary Beougher


Park Manager – Amy Joseph - is taking donations candy / prizes for the Shanes Park Easter Egg Hunt. Rockford EMS had donated $500 towards this event – Thank you !


Vantage has completed the picnic table project for this year. We will be giving them a pizza party and a check. Motion Marcas. Second Shane to donate $500 to Vantage for their services. Mark called for the question. Marcas = y, Shane = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Mary = y. Passed 5 yes.


Safety Committee: Chris Heitkamp - absent


Village Administrator – Aaron Temple reported that street signage and posts have been order.



Economic Development Committee: Marcas Heitkamp – Council President


Will be scheduling a meeting with our historic restoration team that has been put together.


Public Utilities Committee: Luke Stephenson



Visitors to address Council --- Al and Kay Brandt attended the meeting. Kay addressed Council – that they moved to town recently and have been spending more time at Shanes Park. Would like to get council approval to start a

“Friends of the Park’ volunteer group. The idea would be to section off the park and assign volunteers and / or organizations to take care designated section. Responsibilities would include pick up trash, weeding, etc. Could also include painting and some maintenance as needed. Once we have a list of volunteers we would hold a meeting and make plans to accomplish needed projects. This could also include donations as perhaps some are able to help financially but unable to volunteer with services. Would like to start looking for and applying for park grants that might be available. Would like to start with getting a list of needs. Anyone that is interested in helping ‘Friends of the Park”, please contact Kay Brandt at 419-305-0419.


Would also like to recommend changes to the pickle ball court to run north and south because of the sun / wind. Village is working on this with a previous grant trying to get the project changed because of recent developments.


Mayor Searight – thanks Al and Kay for attending the meeting and getting involved. We have someone ready to take the lead and we are thankful. Hopefully others will see the need to volunteer and / or make investments in the community. We need to get people energized !



*Vance Cuthrell – of Mercer County Department of Development will be here at the next meeting – April 1st – Presenting Fair Housing Laws and Rights.



Old Business:


Mary --- reminder since it’s nicer and more people out and about in the evenings – please report any street lights that may be out. We need the MVL number and the closest address to get the information turned in.





New Business:


Other Local events :


Annual D.A.R.E Luncheon – presenting 10 scholarships scheduled for Tuesday – April 15th 11:30 am - Mercer County Elks


Mercer County Prevention Coalition - Next meeting April 3rd at 4 pm at the Mercer County District Library.


Mercer County Youth to Youth gatherings – 7th – 12th grade students encouraged to attend 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month through May. 6 – 8 pm at the Foundations Clubhouse – 221 S Buckeye St – Celina.


Are you interested in serving the Rockford Community? If so, there will be 4 council seats on the ballot this November. All candidates need to file petitions by 4 pm on August 6th.



Meeting adjourned 8 pm

Severe Weather Alert