WCSM Headline News

Mar 18, 2025

Minster Board of Education Overview- March 17, 2025

To hear a summary with Superintendent Josh Meyer:

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Minster Board of Education Overview- March 17, 2025


The Minster Board of Education met for their regular monthly meeting Monday evening.




The Board voted to approve accepting the following donations:

  • $1500 from Minster Service Club for the Band program

  • $1500 from Area Energy & Electric for the FFA Equipment Fund

  • $20 from an Anonymous Donor for the Juggling Club

  • $300 from Minster Service Club for the Juggling Club

  • $5,000 from Danone North America for the HS PBIS program

  • $150 from Minster Bank for the Boys Basketball program

  • $1000 from Murotech Ohio Corporation for the Softball program

  • $8,800 from a variety of donors for the elementary book fair. Thank you to Mrs. Liz Hinker for organizing the donations for the elementary book fair.

The Minster School Board, Administration and Staff would like to thank all of our donors for their generous support of our students. There were over $18,000 in donations accepted by the Minster Board last night.


Board Recognition of Students


The Minster Board of Education recognized the following FFA State Degree Winners: Nolan Barhorst, son of Jason and Angie Barhorst; Ruth Ann Carity, daughter of Brent and Marie Carity; Grady Hein, son of Jesse and Jill Hein; Ian Homan, son of Ken and Pam Homan; Max Knapke and Will Knapke, sons of Greg and Angi Knapke; Grant Larger, son of Doug and Karla Larger; Isaac Larger, son of Mark and Amy Larger; James Niemeyer, son of Bryan and Tonya Niemeyer; Evan Prenger, son of Steve and Teresa Prenger and Dominic Seger, son of Chad and Kelly Seger

Superintendent’s Report


Superintendent Josh Meyer provided the Board an update on summer projects for the upcoming summer and an update on the state budgeting process. Mr. Meyer’s full report can be found here: Superintendent's Report


K-6 Principal’s Report


Elementary Principal Mrs. Mandy Albers provided the elementary report. Mrs. Albers recognized Kensey Hemmelgarn, Haleigh Seiber, Camron Applegat and Raedyn Castrechino for placing in the top 3 in the God, Flag and Country competition. Mrs. Albers updated the Board on the upcoming Open House and provided an outline of the state testing schedule. She shared that Kindergarten registration and screening has been set for March 27 and 28. Mrs. Alber’s full report can be found here.


7-12 Principal’s Report


7-12 Principal Mr. Austin Kaylor shared the Jr/Sr High School update with the Board. He recognized Robert Brinkman, Ameila Bergman, Quintin Link, Parker Kerrigan, Elise Oldiges and Allison Zhang for being named February’s “Cats of the Month”. Mr. Kaylor congratulated MHS Senior Sophia Werling for being the Class of 2025 Franklin B. Walter All-Scholastic Award winner and commended the winter sports athletes and coaches on a successful season. He recognized the following FFA teams: Grant Larger, Leanne Wendeln, Will Knapke and Carter Dircksen for their 14th place finish in the FFA State Biotechnology Career Development Event and Cole Bergman, Carter Bohman and Devin Metz for their 9th place finish at the District Ag Mechanics and Skills event. Mr. Kaylor congratulated Alex Oen, Gavin Steinke, Megan Wiford and Therese Schulze for being named to the District 3 JH Honors Band. He also congratulated the Minster High School Symphonic Band for earning a I/Superior rating at the recently held District OMEA Large Group Adjudicated Event, thereby qualifying for the state competition in April.


Mr. Kaylor’s full report can be found here.


Curriculum and Instruction


High School teachers Emily Funk and Christa Prenger presented information regarding their course offerings. Together they offer over 25 technology and business courses to students at Minster High School. Ms. Funk and Mrs. Prenger discussed the value of students working independently and on real world projects, thereby developing skills that they will take with them into the workforce.


Treasurer’s Report


Treasurer Gina Selby provided the Board with her monthly report. Mrs. Selby shared that the yearly transfer to the Chromebook permanent improvement fund and the transfer to the technology permanent improvement fund were completed. Mrs. Selby also provided the Board with a budget performance update, approval of last month’s meeting minutes, and updated fund balances. Mrs. Selby’s full report can be found here.


Superintendent’s Consent Agenda


During the Superintendent’s consent agenda the Minster Board of Education approved Brandy Heitkamp as the representative to the Minster Community Fund. Superintendent Josh Meyer commented on the recently concluded winter athletic season.


New Business


In new business the Minster Board approved the following items:


  • Approved a resolution that 3rd grade students take the state ELA test in paper format.

  • The Board set the date for April’s Regular Meeting for Tuesday, April 22 at 7 PM in the Large Group Meeting Room.


Personnel Recommendations


The Board approved the following Personnel Recommendations:

  • Limited 1 Year contract to Stephanie Boyle Fledderjohann- HS English Teacher for the 2025/2026 school year.

  • Mike Wiss- Recreation Field Manager

  • Offered limited one year contracts to the following on an as needed basis for the remainder of the school year:

    • Greg Francis- Substitute Custodian

    • Kay Schmiesing- Substitute Secretary

    • Tim Jay- Groundskeeper/Field Prep

The Board approved a number of supplemental contracts for spring coaches for this school year and a number of supplemental contracts for fall coaches for the 2025/2026 school year.


The complete list of personnel recommendations can be found here.


Executive Session


The Board of Education entered into Executive Session to discuss the employment and compensation of a public employee and the purchase or sale of property.




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