Feb 19, 2025

Rockford Village Council meeting for this week



Council called to order by Mayor Searight on February 18, 2025 at 7:30 pm.


Prayer – Dear God, we give you thanks for all that you do for us each and every day. We thank you for this community that we live in and what we have. We ask that you be with us as we discuss the business of Rockford. We ask that you give us the knowledge and wisdom to address those issues the way you would want. We thank you for all this, as we pray in your Holy name. Amen.  


Pledge of Allegiance  


Those present: Marcas Heitkamp, Luke Stephenson, Mary Beougher, Shane Young and Chris Heitkamp. Mark Heitkamp - absent


Also attending: Chief Stetler, Ross Finke, and Erin G from the Daily Standard.  


Motion Shane to accept the agenda as orders of the day. Second Marcas. Luke called for the question. Shane = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary =y, Chris = y. Passed 5 yes.


Motion Luke to accept the minutes from the February 4, 2025 council meeting as presented. Second Mary. Marcas called for the question. Luke = y, Mary – y, Marcas = y, Shane = y, Chris = y. Passed 5 yes.


Mayor’s Report and Correspondence  


We would like to congratulation the two businesses that have ties to Rockford and for them each reaching 120 years in business. First the Fremont Company which has been a part of this community for many years. They produce products that are exported to over 90 countries in the world. Much of that is ketchup and it’s made right here in Rockford. They also make Rockford Catsup which is some of the best catsup that money can buy. They produce other products such as Mississippi BBQ and many other premium private company ketchup and specialty ketchups.  


Also – The Peoples Bank Co – which has had a branch here in Rockford for over 27 years. They are a full-service bank that is locally controlled and allows them to provide for the needs of our community, while keeping money local.  


We thank both companies – The Fremont Company and The Peoples Bank Co. for the services they provide, employment opportunities and your dedication to our community.  

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There is a Free book program that is available for families that have children up to 5 years old. Each month each child up to the age of 5 will receive a book that will be age appropriate and help them understand pictures, words, and prepare them for school Plus it’s a great time to bond with your child as you read to them. It’s easy to sign up at Ohioimaginationlibrary.org. If you are interested in more information, please stop up at the Village Office. The investment we make in our children is important, as it’s a lifelong gift.  


If you or your organization is willing to help sponsor the Mercer County Imagination Library - please contact the Village Office for more details.  


Remember it’s better to ‘Give more than you take, and you’ll receive more than you give’.  


God Bless you.  


Mayor Searight



Upcoming Community information & events:


Sunday – February 23 – Designer Purse Bingo – Community Building


Saturday– March 1st - St. Teresa Family Fun Night – All are welcome !  

   Community Building.


Saturday – March 8th – Turtle Races – Community Building


Saturday – April 5 - Parkway 5K  


Saturday – April 5 – Lions Club Quarter Auction


Saturday – April 12 – Rockford Fire Department – Pancake Day


Saturday - April 12 – Parkway Prom


Saturday – April 19 – Shanes Park Easter Egg Hunt






Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple  


Franklin Street - we’ve had weather delays but should be back on the project next week.  


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Community Building - maintenance is going well. Since there were no reservations this week we have been doing some additional painting and installing a washer / dryer unit to wash mop heads and towels on site. Will be finishing up at the end of this week.


Will be meeting with Access Engineering working on our community development plans. We have received funds for the water tower and Franklin street project. Looking at our next options – South Street reconstruction, a water line project and a street project Front to Holly lane and perhaps all the way to 33.  

Potential projects for 2027 / 2028.



Committee Reports:


Finance Committee: Shane Young  


Motion Shane to pay the bills as presented- $ 23,321.51  

Second Marcas. Luke called for the question. Shane = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Chris = y. Passed 5 yes.


Motion Shane to accept Mayors Court pay in – $504. Second Chris. Marcas called for the question. Shane = y, Chris = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary = y. Passed 5 yes.


Finance Committee meeting update discussed the subdivision.  


Motion Shane to move forward with Phase II of the Shanes Crossing Subdivision. Second Marcas. Mary called for the question. Shane = y, Marcas = y, Mary = y, Luke = y, Chris = y. Passed 5 yes.


Rules Committee: Mark Heitkamp - absent. Report by Marcas Heitkamp


Motion Marcas to approve 2025 Rockford Rec Board of Directors. Second Luke. Shane called for the question. Marcas = y, Luke = y, Shane = y, Mary = y, Chris = y. Passed 5 yes.


President - Dan Moeller

VP - Matt Slavik

Secretary - Tyler Stover

Treasurer - Jessica Shaffer



Service Committee: Mary Beougher  



Safety Committee: Chris Heitkamp  


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Meeting with Parkway regarding a crosswalk - major concerns regarding the false sense of safety by putting the crosswalk where we can’t actually stop traffic. Several ideas perhaps using the 4-way stop and or at the stop light – to beef up existing areas but ultimately the safest route to school is using the bus stops that are located in 2 areas of town.      



Economic Development Committee: Marcas Heitkamp – Council President





Public Utilities Committee: Luke Stephenson  


Old Business:  





New Business:


Are you interested in serving the Rockford Community? If so, there will be 4 council seats on the ballot this November. All candidates need to file petitions by 4 pm on August 6th.    


Meeting adjourned 7:49 pm



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Mayor Fiscal officer

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