To hear the summary with Superintendent Josh Meyer:
Minster Board of Education Overview- February 12, 2025
The Minster Board of Education met for their regular monthly meeting Wednesday evening.
The Board voted to approve accepting the following donations:
● $1500 from Matt & Annette Quinter for Chromebook computer for digital signage.
● $2438 for the Youth Leadership Club’s Red Wagon Campaign from the following donors-Looking Glass Salon, Minster Dental, Minster Journeyman’s Club, New Bremen Eye Care, Westy’s Signature Flooring, Minster Civic Association, Minster Bank, Minster Service Club, Mike Lee, Jeff Boate, Ann Bergman, Mag Dues, Jim & Mary Ranly, and Randy & Kathy Watercutter.
● $977 from the Minster Community Fund for the Elementary & High School PBIS program.
● $400 from Minster Civic Association for Youth Leadership Club.
● $100 from an anonymous donor for the Softball Program.
Board Recognition of Students
The Minster Board of Education recognized the District Spelling Bee placers. Third Place-Harrison Oakes, son of Matthew & Mary Oakes. Second Place- Parker Bruns, son of Rich & Angie Bruns. 1st Place- Emily Wuebker, daughter of Brian and Julie Wuebker.
Superintendent’s Report
Superintendent Josh Meyer provided the Board an update on Governor Mike DeWine’s proposed budget and its potential impact on Minster Schools. Mr. Meyer’s full report can be found here:Superintendent's Report
K-6 Principal’s Report
Elementary Principal Mrs. Mandy Albers provided the elementary report. She recognized Kean Link, 4th grade student who was named the second quarter Spirit Stick Award winner, and the Humble and Kind winners for the 2nd quarter. Mrs. Albers also provided the Board with updated MAP testing and Acadience results. She shared that Kindergarten registration and screening has been set for March 27 and 28. Mrs. Alber’s full report can be foundhere.
7-12 Principal’s Report
7-12 Principal Mr. Austin Kaylor shared the Jr/Sr High School update with the Board. He recognized Ashley Tyler, Naomie Hoying, Ty Hein, Lucio Mendez, Matthew Puthoff and Brogan Stephey for being named January’s “Cats of the Month”. Mr. Kaylor commended the FFA members that competed in the State Biotechnology Career Development event for their 14th place finish at the state event. He also told the Board about the recently completed Blood Drive headed up by the Youth Leadership Club. Mr. Kaylor also informed the Board that all 10 of
Minster’s students that applied at Tri Star were accepted into their preferred programs. Mr.
Kaylor updated the Board on Student Led Conferences and high school scheduling. Mr.
Kaylor’s full report can be foundhere.
Curriculum and Instruction
Elementary art teacher Mrs. Katherine Binkley presented information about elementary art and her students’ experiences, including the upcoming elementary art show and how students have created online portfolios of their art work.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Gina Selby provided the Board with her monthly report. Mrs. Selby shared an income tax update with the Board. She also provided an update on the state budget timeline and process to the Board, along with the impact of Governor DeWine’s proposed budget to Minster Schools. Mrs. Selby also provided the Board with a budget update, updated fund balances and effective tax rates. Mrs. Selby’s full report can be foundhere.
Superintendent’s Consent Agenda
During the Superintendent’s consent agenda the Minster Board of Education approved an early graduation request for Isaac Larger.
New Business
In new business the Minster Board approved the following items:
- Approved a 3 year agreement with Public School Works to provide staff safety and compliance programs.
- Approved a resolution for the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Special Education Model policies.
-Approved Minster students to participate in OATCCC Indoor Track Championships
- The Board set the date for March’s Regular Meeting for March 17 at 7 PM in the Large Group Meeting Room.
Personnel Recommendations
The Board approved the following Personnel Recommendations:
● Accepted the following resignations effective at the end of the current school year due to retirement:
○ Paul Winglewich- AG Business Teacher
○ Linda Winner- 2nd grade teacher
○ Peg Rindler- HS ELA teacher
○ Sue Falk- Instructional aide
The complete list of personnel recommendations can be foundhere.
Executive Session
The Board of Education entered into Executive Session to discuss the employment and compensation of a public employee and the purchase or sale of property.
After the Executive Session the Board reconvened and scheduled a Board work session for Tuesday, March 11 at 5:45 PM in the High School Conference Room.