Feb 3, 2025

King Reintroduces Legislation to Protect HCSM

King Reintroduces Legislation to Protect HCSM


COLUMBUS – State Representative Angie King (R-Celina) has reintroduced legislation from the 135th General Assembly to protect Health Care Sharing Ministries (HCSM) from having to follow Ohio health insurance law by ensuring they are recognized as religious charities.


Health Care Sharing Ministries are faith-based, non-profit membership organizations that facilitate the sharing of medical expenses among their members that meet the same medical coverage needs as traditional health insurance.


King’s legislation, the Health Care Sharing Ministries Freedom to Share Act, will ensure HCSMs are rightfully regulated as charities under the authority of the Ohio Attorney General rather than the Department of Insurance. Similar legislation has already been adopted by 33 other states.


“Health Care Sharing Ministries (HCSM) offer a valuable alternative to traditional insurance, and I fully support the right of individuals to choose this option,” said King. “Ensuring their rightful classification in Ohio is vital to both our overall healthcare system and the free exercise of religion in Ohio. This is why I have re-introduced this legislation.”


In the United States 1.7 million people rely on sharing plans to help cover their medical expenses, more than 25,000 in Ohio. Health Care Sharing Ministries are recognized under the Affordable Care Act and individuals enrolled in them have been granted an exemption from the federal requirement to maintain minimum essential medical coverage.


In Ohio, for an organization to identify as an HSCM they must meet the following requirements:

  • Are organized around and whose members share a common set of ethical or religious beliefs;
  • Provide the public an annual audit by an independent certified public accounting firm;
  • Include a written disclaimer on materials that the organization is not an insurance company;
  • Allows an income tax deduction for contributions made to an HCSM or to other members through an HCSM;
  • Specifies that HCSM members who are students at a state institution of higher education are exempt from such institution’s health insurance requirement.


The legislation has been referred to the House Insurance Committee and awaits a hearing.




State Representative Angie King was elected in November 2022 to the Ohio House of Representatives. She represents the 84th House District, serving residents of Mercer, Darke and Auglaize counties. For more information, contact Representative King’s office at rep84@ohiohouse.gov.


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