For a summary with Superintendent Tony Stahl:
The following is an AI Generated summary of the Fort Recovery Board of Education meeting:
Board Elections
The Board of Education re-elected Mr. Don Wendell as board president and Mr. Sean Collegue as vice president during the organizational meeting.
Mr. Don Wendell and Mr. Sean Collegue were re-elected as board president and vice president, respectively.
2025 Meeting Dates
The board approved the meeting dates for the monthly board meetings for 2025, which are available on the district website.
Meeting dates for 2025 are approved and available online.
Financial Update
Treasurer Deanna Knapke provided an update on monthly financial reports and discussed creating two capital projects funds for long-term maintenance planning.
Two capital projects funds will be created for long-term maintenance planning.
Kindergarten Enrollment
Elementary principal Laura Brandt updated the board on kindergarten enrollment for the next school year. Parents can complete a survey or contact the elementary office by February 7th.
Parents must apply by February 7th for kindergarten enrollment.
Middle and High School Updates
Middle school principal Holly Gann and high school principal Ryan Steinbrenner provided updates on student events and high school scheduling and new courses for next year.
Superintendent's Update
The superintendent updated the board on a summer project related to the heating system, a new pedestrian crosswalk, and recognized board members for their contributions.
Board members were recognized for their contributions.
The board accepted donations from Tom and Mary Pat Zitter, Brian and Susie Fortkamp, and the Fort Recovery Insurance Agency for student events and activities.
Donations were accepted for student events and activities.
School Calendar and Agreements
The board approved the calendar for the next school year, set ticket prices for the fall season, and authorized an agreement with K&K Tours for the 8th grade D.C. trip in 2025.
Calendar and agreements for the next school year were approved.
Personnel Changes
The board approved the reassignment of Christy Keller as a second-grade teacher and three supplemental coaching contracts for Valerie Stommen, Charlie Vasey, and Hannah Siegel.
Personnel changes were approved.
HVAC Project
The board approved an agreement with Garmann Miller for an upcoming HVAC project in the elementary and middle school.
Agreement with Garmin Miller for HVAC project was approved.
[ ] Next board meeting on February 24th at 6:30 p.m.