For a summary with Minster School Superintendent Josh Meyer:
Minster Board of Education Overview- January 7, 2025
The Minster Board of Education met for their yearly organizational meeting and regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening.
Organizational Meeting
In the organizational meeting the Minster Board of Education appointed Dr. Stephanie Sommer to complete the term of Sandy Schulze, who resigned effective December 31.
The Board elected Rich Bruns as Board President and Nick Rentz as Board Vice President.
The Board set the regular monthly meetings for the third Monday of each month at 7 PM.
Also, during the Organizational Meeting the Board appointed the following committee members:
District Leadership Team- Rich Bruns
Representative to the Tri Star Career Compact Council- Sara Corona
Representative to the Athletic Council- Ted Oldiges
Representative to the Recreation Committee- Nick Rentz
Representative to the Scholarship Fund- Jeff Monnin
Representative to the Community Fund- Grant Voisard
Representative to the Community Improvement Committee- Superintendent, Josh Meyer
The Board of Education also approved several items related to the functions and responsibilities of the Treasurer and Superintendent.
The Board then moved to the Regular January Meeting.
The Board voted to approve accepting the following donations:
$10,576.09 from the Loretta Herkenhoff Charitable Trust for various instructional materials and classroom supplies.
$1,000 from Harmony for Ohio Foundation, for the PBIS programs at the HS and Elementary.
$250 from NIDEC Minster Corporation for HS Battle Bots Club.
Board Recognition of Students
Superintendent’s Report
Superintendent Josh Meyer noted that January is School Board Appreciation Month. He thanked the Board for their dedication and commitment to the students and community of Minster. Mr. Meyer’s full report can be found here: Superintendent's Report
K-6 Principal’s Report
Elementary Principal Mrs. Mandy Albers provided the elementary report. She provided the Board with information on 3rd grade reading test data and information on the Spelling Bee to be held in January. She shared that Kindergarten registration and screening has been set for March 27 and 28. Mrs. Alber’s full report can be found here.
7-12 Principal’s Report
7-12 Principal Mr. Austin Kaylor shared the Jr/Sr High School update with the Board. He congratulated the 8th grade students that qualified for the District Spelling Bee and recognized Branson Riethman, Brad Bruns, Chloe Ranly, Miriam Puthoff, Naveah Johnson and Josi Boate for being named December’s “Selfless Cats”. Mr. Kaylor shared the exam schedule with the Board and congratulated the HS Juggling Club for qualifying for the Ohio’s Got Talent contest. He also provided the Board with information regarding high school scheduling and the upcoming College Credit Plus information session held on January 6 and Student Led Conferences that will be held in February. Mr. Kaylor’s full report can be found here.
Curriculum and Instruction
3rd Grade teacher Mrs. Cami Garman presented an overview of the “Too Good for Drugs” program. The “Too Good for Drugs” program emphasizes making healthy choices and setting goals.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Gina Selby provided the Board with her monthly report. Mrs. Selby shared with the Board that W2’s and 1099s have been completed and will be sent to employees and vendors. She also informed the Board that real estate tax rates for 2024 have not yet been approved by the State of Ohio Tax Department. Mrs. Selby also informed the Board that the IRS mileage reimbursement rate and minimum wage both increased effective January 1. Mrs. Selby’s full report can be found here.
Superintendent’s Consent Agenda
January is “School Board Recognition Month” and Superintendent Josh Meyer recognized the Board of Education for their help and guidance during the past school year during the Consent Agenda portion of the meeting. Mr. Meyer recognized the Board’s role in all of the accomplishments of the students and staff at Minster. Minster Board of Education members are:
Sandy Schulze- member since January 2018
Rich Bruns- member since January 2020
Ted Oldiges- member since January 2020
Nick Rentz- member since January 2022
Sara Corona- member since January 2023
Dr. Stephanie Sommer- new Board member
Also, during the Superintendent’s Consent portion of the meeting the Minster Board adopted the school calendar for 2025-2026 and approved the 8th grade trip to Washington DC for October 19 through October 23, 2025.
New Business
The Board set the date for February’s Regular Meeting for February 11 at 7 PM in the Large Group Meeting Room.
Personnel Recommendations
The Board approved the following Personnel Recommendations:
Sandy Hoying Substitute Cook’s Helper
The complete list of personnel recommendations can be found here.
Executive Session
The Board of Education entered into Executive Session to discuss the employment and compensation of a public employee and the purchase or sale of property.
There was no action taken after the Executive Session.