WCSM Headline News

Dec 23, 2024

Celina School Superintendent Brooke Gessler appears on Spectrum

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The following is an AI Generated summary of Brooke Gessler's appearance on Spectrum on Monday December 23rd:

Social Media School Renovations Community Engagement
Meeting Information
Date & Time: 2024-12-23 14:02:32
Location: [Insert Location]
Attendees: [Insert Names]
Meeting Notes
1. Social Media and Communication
Brooke Gessler discusses the benefits of using social media for communication
within the school district, highlighting its role in recognizing student achievements
and keeping the community informed.
Social media is seen as a positive tool for communication and community
2. School Renovations and Changes
The discussion covers the ongoing renovations at Salina Elementary School and the
excitement among students and staff about the new facilities. The importance of
maintaining tradition while embracing change is emphasized.
The renovations are viewed positively, with efforts to balance tradition and
future needs.
3. Field House Survey
Plans to conduct a community survey regarding the future of the field house are
discussed. The survey aims to gather public opinion on whether to renovate or
replace the facility.
The survey will inform future decisions, but not everyone may be satisfied with
the outcome.
4. Website Redesign
The school district is working on redesigning its website to improve user experience
and accessibility of information for the community.
A new website design is in progress to enhance communication.
5. Community Engagement
Brooke Gessler emphasizes the importance of community engagement and
transparency, encouraging community members to reach out with questions or
Community engagement and transparency are prioritized.
Next Arrangements
[ ] Conduct a community survey about the field house in January.
[ ] Redesign the school district’s website with a new template.
AI Suggestion
AI has identified the following issues that were not concluded in the meeting or lack
clear action items; please pay attention:
1. The future of the field house requires further community input, which will be
gathered through an upcoming survey. It is crucial to ensure that the survey
accurately captures the community’s preferences to avoid potential
2. There is a need to finalize and distribute the community survey by January. The
details of this task are currently unclear, and it is essential to clarify the
responsibilities and timeline to ensure timely completion.
3. There is a risk of potential dissatisfaction among community members if their
preferences for the field house are not adequately considered. It is important to
address this risk by ensuring transparent communication and engagement with
the community throughout the decision-making process.

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