December 3, 2024
Tuesday- 6:30 p.m.
Village of Minster Council Chambers
1) Call to Order
2) Approval of the November 19, 2024, meeting minutes.
3) Introduction of Visitors:
4) Ordinances and Resolutions:
a) Ordinance 24-11-01: Discussion, third and final reading of an ordinance levying special assessments for the improvements on East Seventh Street and North Paris Street in the Village of Minster Ohio; such improvements include the installation of asphalt and curb and gutter.
b) Resolution 24-11-01: Discussion and second reading of a resolution creating a new fund and declaring an emergency.
c) Ordinance 24-12-01: Discussion, and first reading of an ordinance entering into a contract for emergency medical services with the Minster Area Life Squad and to declare an emergency.
d) Ordinance 24-12-02: Discussion, and first reading of an ordinance amending Ordinance 23-12-04 and establishing the salary administration plan providing for consideration of increases in compensation on an annual basis and to declare an emergency.
5) Committee Reports and Discussion Items:
Streets: Nicole, Trey, and Travis Finance/Audit: Travis, Craig, Trey
Safety: Nicole, Curt, Josh Utilities: Josh, Nicole, Travis
Parks: Curt, Josh, Nicole Econ. Development: Trey, Travis, Craig
Personnel: Curt, Craig, Josh Community Engagement and Development: Craig, Curt, Trey
6) Old Business:
7) New Business:
a) Discussion and motion to approve invoices over $3,000.00.
b) Discussion and motion to accept the resignation of Tricia LeDoux as Fiscal Officer.
c) Discussion and motion to accept the resignation of Matthew Douglas from the Public Works Department.
8) Administrator’s Report
9) Receipts: $ 28,832.14
10) Invoices: $ 1,800,009.08
11) Motion to enter into an Executive Session to Discuss Personnel.
12) Motion to adjourn