Local News

Oct 16, 2024

Rockford Council meeting for this week



Council called to order by Mayor Searight on October 15, 2024 at 7:30 pm.


Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance –    Mayor Searight


Those present: Marcas Heitkamp,  Mark Heitkamp, Luke Stephenson,  Mary Beougher, Shane Young  and Chris Heitkamp.


Also attending:  Jessica Shaffer, Dan Moeller, Courtney Bransteter, Matt Slavik, Colby Heiser, Cory Smith, Sandy Schaffner, Chief Stetler, Robbie Peel, Patrolman Miller and Erin Gardner – Daily Standard.


Motion Luke to accept the agenda as orders of the day.   Second Marcas, Mary called for the question.   Luke = y, Marcas = y, Mary = y, Mark = y, Shane = y, Chris = yes.        Passed 6 yes.


Motion Marcas toaccept the minutes from the October 1, 2024 council meeting as presented.  Second Mark.  Luke called for the question.  Marcas = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Mary = Shane = y, Chris = y,  Passed 6 yes.




Mayor’s Report and Correspondence


Noted receipt of Mayor’s court pay in and bank statement.


Met with Congressman Latta regarding the US Postal Service concerns --- his office is still collecting mail -  so please note the postal date and the delivery date.  Please bring any delayed mail to the village office and we can copy the information and send to his office. 


It has come to my attention that there are grants that help preserve historic buildings and we have many in this community.   I believe as a community we need to investigate how to apply for and a receive such grants. We have a Main St. that has unique and historic buildings that need preserved and taken care of.  If we can help these owners take care of them, we need to do our part, so they will be around for generations to come. With that I’m requesting the Economic Development Committee take the lead in investigating and possibly establishing a Certified historic building restoration committee in assisting in this process. These grants can be from both the state and federal government.

In line with that, there is Community Reinvestment tax exemptions that are available to village residents, commercial, and industrial that will help reduce your taxation on your investment when you are upgrading your property. To see if you qualify, stop in at the village office and find out what is offered and what you need to do to get the exemption.


On a different note, Daylight Savings Time ends on November 3rd, so you’ll need to adjust your clocks by turning them back one hour. If you don’t, you’ll be early for your church service or whatever you normally have planned for Sunday.


Also note that on Sunday November 3rd the Rockford Fire Department will be conducting fire hydrant testing and flushing. It will start at approximately 8 AM and it will be most likely last the better part of the day. So, you may experience rusty water for a short period of time but let the water run for a little bit and it should clear up.


As we look forward to the many events planned for Saturday October 26th, please plan to be a part of them. Most of them are family oriented and just a great way to celebrate the fall season with family and friends at all stages of life.


Finally, remember when it comes to your time and efforts in everyday life it is better to “Give more than you take, and you’ll receive more than you give”.


God Bless you,


Mayor Ron Searight




Upcoming Community information & events:


October 26th -   Ohio Historical Marker dedication – noon

Honoring Anthony Shane (Founding Father) and “Johnny Appleseed”

All are welcome to this special dedication.  Please park at the

Rockford American Legion.


October 26 – Mercer County Household Hazardous Waste Day & Steel Drop off -   Mercer County Fairgrounds – 9 am – 1 pm


October 26th – Chamber Rocktoberfest – 1 – 5 pm 


Special Events Include:  Vendor Market, Live Music, a Car Show, a Hayride, a Petting Zoo, Spin the Wheel, a Grocery Store Game, and Rockford Catsup by the case sale!    Rockford Carnegie Library will have a Free Will Donation Book Sale, Free Crafts for children and adults, and Free Kid’s Activities outside.  There is something for everyone!   Mini Food Truck rally !  ������


October 26th – Rockford Trick or Treat – 5-6:30 pm


October 26th -  Costume Judging at the Fire House – 7 pm


November 3rd – Hydrant Flushing begins at 8 am.


November 5th – General Election at the Community Building


General Election levies -- 

Mercer County EMS ---- VOTE YES EMS

Rockford Library -   VOTE YES


Community Drive thru meal – Rockford United Methodist Church on

Wednesdays at 4:30 pm --- when school is in session.  Free will donations accepted.


December 1st – Christmas lighting at Shanes Park (If we get volunteers to help decorate)




Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple  


The lead line survey has been completed but we still need to add other utilities to the system – water lines, sewer lines , etc… this means we will be on the properties to collect information.


Lagoon cover project should be completed in the next 2 weeks --- almost there.  There are little to no odors so it’s working.


Having trouble with lab testing and looking at other options.


It’s getting dark earlier --- please let us know if you have street lights not working.  Report to the village office --- the nearest address and the Miami Valley lighting pole number.

Will be winterizing the splash pad and the park restrooms as soon as the flag football season is completed --- by the end of the month.


Leaf pick up --  not a lot of leaves have fallen yet --- since we have had warmer weather.   



Committee Reports:


Finance Committee:  Shane Young


Motion Shane to pay the bills as presented:

10/04/2024 - $7,571.58

10/14/2024 - $15,711.69$      Second Luke.   Marcas called for the question. 

Shane = y, Luke = y, Marcas = y, Mark = y, Mary =y, Chris = y.  Passed 6 yes.



Motion Chris to accept Mayors Court Pay in $682.  Second Mark.  Luke called for the question.   Chris =- y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Marcas = y, Mary = y, Shane = y.  Passed 6 yes.






1st reading – 10/01/2024

2nd reading – 10/15/2024



Rules Committee:    Mark Heitkamp –




Service Committee:     Mary Beougher


The Rockford Carnegie Library will be asking for a levy renewal of 1 mil on the November ballot.  This is a renewal, so you will not pay any more taxes than you currently pay on this levy.


The renewal levy provides almost one-third of the funding for our local library, which means it's essential to the operation of the library.  Our library offers so many exciting, innovative programs....we are not "just books." 


While the library and e-library book selection is great, they also provide a location for community programming, free computer/wifi use, and a great DVD selection. 


They also offer programming for homeschool children, provide preschool programs at Parkway Elementary as well as the Headstart program in Rockford, provide an author visit/assembly at the school for Parkway students once a year, offer a well-attended playgroup program on a weekly basis, and a great summer reading program for school-aged children. 


Additional resources for community adults such as a book club, adult crafts, and an exercise program.


Statistics from 2023 • 26,426 items were checked out. • Our 7 public computers were used over 3,483 times. • 5,493 items were downloaded through our eBook collection. • The online catalog has access to materials from over 283 libraries. • 131 programs were held in our libraries.



Please consider this as you make a decision on November 5.



Contract for Park Venue Contract and regulations approval – Motion Shane.  Second Chris.  Marcas called for the question.   Shane = y, Chris = y, Marcas = y, Mark = y, Luke = y, Mary = y.  Passed 6 yes.


We would like to have a Christmas at Shanes Park this year BUT we can’t do it all without volunteers --- Please contact Amy Joseph – 419-771-6893 to find out how you can help.     Dates to decorate have been set ---  Saturdays – November 9th and 16from 9 am – 5 pm and Sundays – November 3rd and 10th from 1 – 5 pm.

Clean up will be on Saturday – January 4th – beginning at 9 am until complete.


How You Can Help: To continue this magical holiday tradition, we need your support! Donations help cover opening night expenses, Santa, upkeep, and the purchase of larger displays. We offer three sponsorship levels:

Silver Sponsorship: $10 -$100 

Gold Sponsorship: $101 -$499

Platinum Sponsorship: $500 and above.


All donors will be recognized on social media and at the park. If you would like to contribute, please send financial contributions by October 31, 2024, to: Christmas in The Park C/O Amy Joseph – PO Box 282, Rockford, OH 45882

For those seeking charitable tax deductions, donations can be made through The Leota Braun Foundation, PO Box 364, Rockford, OH  45882. Please note on your donation that it's for "Christmas at Shanes Park" to ensure proper allocation.




Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp –   


Mayor Searight -  would like to see some signage at the park ---  vandalism will not be tolerated and those responsible will be held accountable.



Economic Development Committee:  Marcas Heitkamp – Council President


Will scheduling a planning meeting to create a historical building restoration committee.  



Public Utilities Committee:      Luke Stephenson


Motion Luke.  Second Marcas to cede aggregation authority to Mercer County.  Mark called for the question.    Luke = y, Marcas = y, Mark = y, Mary = y, Shane = y, Chris = y.   Passed 6 yes.


Electric aggregation update ----  Energy Harbor (our current aggregation supplier ) was purchased by Vistra Corp and will transition to Dynegy, one of Vistra Corp's suppliers. 


The electric aggregation residents will receive a letter from Energy Harbor stating they have been purchased by Dynegy and moving forward Dynegy will appear as the supplier on the utility bill.  The contract remains the same.

No need to do anything --- letter of information only.


Residents that are with the aggregation will receive a 2nd  letter that states the aggregation will be changing and the new supplier will be Dynegy changed from Energy Harbor.  Again --- no need to do anything – letter of information only. 




Old Business:


The service committee updated the Park Manager duties --- will give out a copy and have council review for any other needed changes or updates.   Will be on the next agenda for approval.





Visitors to Address Council: 


Dan Moeller – President of Rockford Rec association spoke on behalf of the board regarding ball diamond re-surface projects that are in the next 4 year plan.  Diamond 3 was resurfaced this year at a cost of $10,000 --- with Diamond 4 estimates coming in at roughly $16,000 ---  We have for years allowed the Parkway School system to use the diamonds for practice and games at no charge.  The costs to maintain the diamonds are increasing and they are seeking help from Parkway.      At the previous Parkway School Board meeting the subject was brought up but the school can’t make donations to another organization.  So we are looking at a rental agreement contract with Parkway School system so that the funds for the rentals can be used to maintain and improve the diamonds at Shanes Park.    Would like a council representative and legal counsel to attend a meeting so we can all discuss how to proceed in the best interest of the community.   Mark Heitkamp volunteered to be the council representative.  

Dan Moeller thanked council for their time and support.





New Business:




Meeting adjourned   8:04 pm



_________________________                      _________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal officer

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