Sep 4, 2024

Rockford Council meeting for this week



Council called to order by Mayor Searight on September 3, 2024 at 7:30 pm.


Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance –    Mayor Searight


Those present:   Marcas Heitkamp, Luke Stephenson,  Mary Beougher and

Shane Young              Mark Heitkamp and Chris Heitkamp - absent


Also attending:  Chief Stetler, Patrolman Miller, Robbie Peel and

Erin Gardner – Daily Standard.


Motion Marcas to accept the agenda as orders of the day.   Second  Luke.  

Mary called for the question.  Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Shane = y.  Passed 4 yes.


MotionMarcas toaccept the minutes from the August 20, 2024 council meeting as presented.              Second Luke.   Shane called for the question.  Marcas = y, Luke = y, Shane = y, Mary = y.  Passed 4 yes.


Mayor’s Report and Correspondence


Received a letter from Congressman Latta’s office in reply to a letter sent regarding the post service issues.   This has been an ongoing issue and they are working on it.  If you have obvious delayed mail, please deliver a copy of the bar code to the Village office and we can send it to Mr. Latta’s office and they will be able to investigate the problem.


Dominion/Enbridge asks for 30% increase and more – The Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel proposes a 32% DECREASE  your input makes a difference 


Public hearing – Monday – September 23rd at 6 pm – Lima Senior High School.  Highly recommend if anyone can attend the meeting.   Mayor Searight not able to attend.


In the past two weeks, we’ve seen a lot of activity within the village, as one we are preparing for the installation of the lagoon #1 pond cover.  The village crew has been spending the majority of their time on preparing for this project to make sure it goes smoothly and efficiently.   So, if you don’t see them out as much as in the past, that’s where they will be working for the next several weeks.  However, they will respond to emergencies and needed chores of the day to day operations. 


Recently, we had a child riding his bike and the ran the bike into the path of a car on Market St.  No one was seriously hurt, as the driver immediately stopped.  I’ve received many complaints about speeding drivers on Market St. and even though no one was seriously hurt, it could have been.   Police have targeted this area and will continue to patrol Market St and if caught speeding you will be cited.  With that said, parents instruct your children on all traffic laws and looking for traffic when they come to an intersection and as they pass through that area.  We want everyone to be safe as we ride and rive on the streets of Rockford.


Rockford Carry Out has sold and we would like to thank Tom and Matt Burch for all they did for our community during their ownership of the Carry Out.  We wish them the best in their new location and as they rebrand their name.  We also welcome the new owners – Ole’ 1820.  We look forward to your opening and are excited about your plans for the future opportunities within the business, as they sound great and much needed.


The council is working on updating Rockford’s profile information, so we can present it to businesses that describe what we have to offer as a community.  Working together (Council and Mayor), we have been reaching out to businesses and other organizations for opportunities to come to Rockford.  I’ve personally attended a couple of meetings concerning opportunities for this village in the past two weeks.  We want to be seen and heard in a positive way and not like what we read in the paper most of the time. 


We are trying and will keep stepping forward. 


May God bless you all !



Upcoming Community information & events:


September 8th and 22nd – Shanes Park Maker’s Market


September 14th – Fox Family Ride for Autism


September 14th -- Rockford Fire Department – Chicken Dinner and reverse



October 26th – Chamber Rocktoberfest – 1 – 5 pm 


October 26th – Rockford Trick or Treat – 5-6:30 pm


October 26th -  Costume Judging at the Fire House – 7 pm



Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple  - absent


Sent report to council on various updates.


Brush pick up will be delayed by 1 week this month. 



Committee Reports:


Finance Committee:  Shane Young


Motion Shane to pay the bills as presented: $ 15,207.26.  Second Marcas.  Luke called for the question.   Shane = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary= y.  Passed 4 yes.


Motion Shane to approve the monthly financial reports.  Second Marcas.  Mary called for the question.    Shane = y, Marcas = y, Mary = y, Luke.  Passed 4 yes.


Cash Summary by Fund, Appropriations report, Revenue Report,

Budget vs Actual activity report, Bank statement, comparison report for the water, sewer, and income tax.


Motion Shane to approve supplemental appropriations to date.  Second Marcas.  Luke called for the question.   Shane = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary = y.  Passed 4 yes.


Motion Shane to approve additional purchase orders.  Second Marcas.  Luke called for the question.   Shane = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary = y.  Passed 4 yes.


Will plan to have the 1st reading of the 2025 Budget at the October 1st council meeting --- information was email previously.


Finance Committee meeting – September 11th at 4 pm. 



Rules Committee:    Mark Heitkamp –


The following letter has been mailed to the various organization that have in the past rented or inquired about renting the entire park venue:


We have begun revising basic charges associated with the park for festivals and fundraisers.  While doing so we have determined that all private entities renting the park or a large portion of the park will need to be charged accordingly.  This is another step to the village's modernization process.


Additionally, private organizations that will rent the park or a large portion, as determined by the council, will be required to carry their own insurance policy with the event host being the sponsor of the policy. 


We believe the above stipulations are in the best interest of the village and the community. This assists in lost revenues and further protects the village from any lawsuits associated with the events hosted at the park.


If you have any concerns or questions please reach out to the village council or mayor.


Service Committee:     Mary Beougher


We will begin working on rate and contracts for renting the entire park venue.



Safety Committee:     Chris Heitkamp –  absent.


Economic Development Committee:  Marcas Heitkamp – Council President


Public Utilities Committee:      Luke Stephenson


Old Business:


Mayor Searight and Mary attended the ‘Ohio Housing Crisis’ seminar last week.  Only representatives from Mercer County.   Did bring back some information that we will be pursing.


Visitors to Address Council: 


New Business:

Anniversaries this month –


Lisa Kuhn – 17 years

Ron Searight – 3 years


Mayor Searight stated he is pleased with the administration and most of the time we are short staffed but all are dedicated to the Village.    Thankyou.


Meeting adjourned               7:45 pm



_________________________                      _________________________

Mayor                                                              Fiscal officer


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