WCSM Headline News

Aug 23, 2024

Celina City Council to meet Monday

Committee of the Whole @ 6:30 PM
Regular Meeting of City Council
Monday, August 26, 2024 7:00 P.M.
Council Chambers, 225 N. Main Street
TO: President King, Members of Council, Mayor Hazel,
Safety Service Director Hitchcock, City Auditor Shinn, City Law Director Moore
News Media - WCSM, WKKI, The Daily Standard, Public Notice


Call to Order and Roll Call


Acceptance of Agenda


Corrections and acceptance of the Regular Council Meeting Minutes
~Council Meeting Minutes- August 12, 2024


Committee Reports
~Committee of the Whole- August 12, 2024




Audience Communications


New Business:
54-24-O: An Ordinance authorizing the Safety-Service Director to accept bids for the Public
Works Building Project and to declare an emergency.
55-24-O: An Ordinance approving a Police Officer Trainee position and authorizing the Safety
Service Director and Police Chief to enter into an employment agreement with Police Officer
Trainee(s), funding Law Enforcement Academy and related training, and declaring an
56-24-O: An Ordinance approving a Firefighter Trainee position and authorizing the Safety
Service Director and Fire Chief to enter into an employment agreement with Firefighter
Trainee(s), funding Firefighter Academy and related training, and declaring an emergency.
57-24-O: An Ordinance adopting certain trainee positions, schedules of salaried and hourly
ranges, employee benefits along with personnel provisions for Non-Union Officers and
employees as well as provisions not covered in contracts with union employees of the City of
Celina, Ohio, to repeal all Ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent herewith and declaring an


Administrative Reports


For the Good of the Order

10) Adjournment

Severe Weather Alert