Local News

Aug 23, 2024

St Marys City Council to meet Monday

August 26, 2024, Meeting of St. Marys City Council, 6:30 p.m. - Council Chambers, City Building

Roll Call
Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance
Acceptance of Minutes
1. Petitions and Communications
Request for Zoning Change of Approximately 0.574 Acres of Land Between E. South Street
and Canal Street, on the West Side of Pear Street
Request for Vacation of a 16.50’ Alley Between Pine Street and Pear Street, South of South
Street and Portion of Canal Street Right-of-Way
Request for a New Liquor Permit to Dolgen Midwest LLC DBA Dollar General Store
1435 E. Spring Street
2. Reports from City Officials
Auditor’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Director of Public Service and Safety’s Report
3. Reports from Committees of City Council
4. Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions
Third Readings:
Second Readings:
ORDINANCE NO. 2024-16 – An Ordinance Imposing an Immediate Moratorium on the Issuance
and Processing of Permits Allowing Retail Dispensaries, Cultivators, or Processors of Adult Use
Marijuana Within the City of St. Marys, Ohio and to Declare an Emergency
New Legislation:
RESOLUTION NO. 2024-18 – Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by
the Budget Commission and Authorizing Them to the County Auditor
5. Scheduling, Miscellaneous Business, and Closing:

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