WCSM Headline News

Aug 22, 2024

Latta Statement on Jobs Report Revision

Latta Statement on Jobs Report Revision

Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that more than 800,000 jobs the Biden-Harris administration claimed to have created do not exist

BOWLING GREEN, OH – Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH5) provided the following statement in response to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announcement that more than 800,000 of the jobs the Biden-Harris Administration claimed to have “created” do not exist: 


“The American people can see through the wool this administration is pulling over their eyes. Month after month, Ohioans are stuck making difficult decisions when it comes to financially planning their futures. Costs across the board are unbearable, and it seems as if there is no end in sight. Today’s announcement is the largest downward revision made to a jobs report since 2009. Americans deserve the truth, and they should know the labor market is in fact much weaker than this administration claims. The American people deserve stability and reliability, not fabricated stories that disillusion them to the state of our markets. We need policies that will strengthen the economy and get this country back on track, and unfortunately, the Biden-Harris administration’s policies are only making matters worse.” 


Today, it was announced that 818,000 jobs that the Biden-Harris Administration claimed to have created were never created. The BLS revised down its total tally of jobs created from March 2023 through March 2024 by 818,000. This included 115,000 manufacturing jobs. The revision is the largest in 15 years


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