Aug 8, 2024

Rockford Village Council meeting for this week



Council called to order by Mayor Searight on August 6, 2024 at 7:30 pm.


Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance – Mayor Searight


Those present: Marcas Heitkamp, Luke Stephenson,

Shane Young, Chris Heitkamp, Mary Beougher. Mark Heitkamp - absent


Also attending: Chief Stetler, Patrolman Miller, Ross Finke, Robbie Peel, Tony King, Jeremy & Tye Lovett.


Motion Mary to accept the agenda as orders of the day. Second Luke.

Marcas called for the question. Mary = y, Luke = y, Marcas = y, Shane = y, Chris = y. Passed 5 yes.


MotionMarcas toaccept the minutes from the July 16, 2024 council meeting as presented. Second Luke. Shane called for the question. Marcas = y, Luke = y, Shane = y, Mary = y, Chris = y. Passed 5 yes.


Mayor’s Report and Correspondence


As we finish out the last full month of summer, let’s enjoy the weather as much as possible. It will be cooling off sooner than we may want or even think about. School will be returning in less than two weeks and with that several changes are occurring. It’s not only with the children, but with adults also. It’s darker now in the mornings --- so please take care during the morning and evening hours with awareness of walkers and runners. Be watching for children going to school between the hours of 7-8 am and going home 3 – 4 pm.


Next --- Shanes Park – we have been seeing some vandalism take place and we will not tolerate it. Any violators will be charged. We have cameras and we will be installing more. No warnings will be issued --- parents you are held responsible for your children. Please let your children know the rules and that they are expected to obey them. Please respect our park.


We have been having some meetings with residents regarding the village and some feedback from some that are helping us look for ways to better the town. Ideas foster trust, pride and ownership for all involved.


Please consider supporting and volunteering in one of our many great organizations. Thank you to the ones doing just that. May God bless this village and its people.



Upcoming Community information & events:


August 18th – Shanes Park Makers Market – noon to 3 pm


August 19th - Parkway – Back to School --- Best Wishes for all the staff and students and especially the Class of 2025.


September – Makers Market --- dates to be determined


September 2nd – Village Office closed for Labor Day


September 14th – Fox Family Ride for Autism


September 14th -- Rockford Fire Department – Chicken Dinner and reverse



October – Makers Market – dates to be determined.


October 26th – Chamber Rocktoberfest – 1 – 5 pm



Village Administrator’s Report – Aaron Temple


Franklin St. - still planning late fall for project to begin. As we get more information we will be passing that along.


North tower repairs completed – waiting for samples to come back in order to get back online.


Salt – looking a cost options with solar salt – price might be a little higher but not much residue to pump out. Waiting on quotes.


Panels for the lagoon cover will be arriving next week.


We will be reviewing the applications that have been submitted for the Maintenance position.


Resident inquired about parking violations. We do not have an appeal process.


Former dentist office --- an inquiry about installing a drive thru – bringing to council for review. Looks to be plenty of room with set backs - would drive in off Walnut Street and exit off Clay Street --- There are service lines and the property owner would be responsible for costs – if a problem would occur with them while installing the drive way. Council had no questions.



Committee Reports:


Finance Committee: Shane Young


Motion Shane to pay the bills in the amount of $93,706.49. Second Mary.

Marcas called for the question. Shane = y, Mary = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Chris = y. Passed 5 yes.


Motion Shane to approve the monthly financial reports. Second Chris.

Marcas called for the question. Shane = y, Chris = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary = y. Passed 5 yes.


Cash Summary by Fund, Appropriations report, Revenue Report,

Budget vs Actual activity report, Bank statement, comparison report for the water, sewer, and income tax.


Motion Shane to approve supplemental appropriations to date. Second Luke.

Chris called for the question. Shane = y, Luke = y, Chris = y, Marcas = y, Mary = y. Passed 6 yes.


Motion Shane to approve additional purchase orders. Second Mary.

Marcas called for the question. Shane = y, Mary = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Chris = y. Passed 6 yes.



Budget Commission Hearing was held on August 5th - potential new laws:


Current expense levy - may no longer have a ‘replacement’ option. Will either be renewal or renewal with increase.


Ohio state to limit local government fund– would reduce our budget from $36,000 to $24,000…






1st reading – 07/16/2024

2nd reading – 08/06/2024

Rules Committee: Mark Heitkamp – report by Marcas Heitkamp


Proposed changes to the Shanes Crossing Subdivision Covenants regarding fences replacing Covenant #12 to read as follows:


Subdivision Fence & Wall Restrictions:


• Fence must be 2 feet setback from the property lines. Must maintain

both sides of the fence.


• Fence heights:

No fence allowed in the front yard.

Privacy fence in the backyard no higher than 6 feet.


• Fencing material is restricted to:





** No wood or chain link fence allowed.


• Fences are subject to inspection by the village.


• Fences requiring maintenance or replacement is the responsibility of the homeowner.


• Village can remove fence at homeowners expense if homeowner refuses to maintain fence.


• All fence installations or modifications requires a zoning permit.



Motion Marcas to approve covenant updates. Second Luke. Shane called for the question. Marcas = y, Luke = y, Shane = y, Mary = y, Chris = y. Passed 5 yes.






Section to read as follows:


A. The swimming pool / pond is intended to be used solely for the enjoyment of the occupants of the property on which it is located and their guests.


B. The swimming pool / pond may be located anywhere on the premises except in the front yard.


C. All swimming pools/ ponds require a zoning permit.



1st reading – 07/16/2024

2nd reading – 08/06/2024




Service Committee: Mary Beougher


Held a service meeting on July 29th – discussed some park issues.


Called Vantage about making new picnic tables. If we purchase supplies they will build. May need 4 for the new shelter house by the pond. Others around the park need to be replaced - getting old and unsafe. Will make contact and see how many they can make. Very grateful for them doing this.


Working with Park Manager to get quote to get the electronic sign fixed – a section of bulbs are not working.


Parkway delivered the bike rack to the park – Thank you !



Safety Committee: Chris Heitkamp


Any organizations wanting to use the Village streets must get approval from Council. Please stop by the Village Office to obtain a form, get council approval, and noted in the minutes before the event is to take place. This is to make sure the public is aware as well as all village and emergency personnel of the upcoming events and can make necessary scheduling changes. * Form *



Economic Development Committee: Marcas Heitkamp – Council President


Reminder the Joint Ambulance District levy will be on the November ballot. Please do some research and vote. You can get information from the ‘Friends of EMS, Mercer County Ohio’ on Facebook. There will also be a booth at the Mercer County Fair for information and questions.






Public Utilities Committee: Luke Stephenson




Old Business:



Visitors to Address Council:


Tony King – drainage issues. Showed photos of front and back of house when it rains. He stated this problem happens several times a year…. that back in the day when the storm and sewer separation project took place the project was left unfinished. He would like the village to do a tap so that the water will drain from his property. The council thanked him for coming with his concerns and they will be discussed.


New Business:


Several problems reported regarding horse dung at the park. Asking the service committee to see what can be done. Mary said she would go over when seeing Amish there and ask them to clean up the dung as there is a dumpster readily available. Also was suggested we put in a hitching post at the dumpster and provide a bucket and shovel so that there is no excuse for not cleaning up.




Motion Shane to go into Executive Session regarding Finances. Second Marcas. Luke called for the question. Shane = y, Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Chris = y. Passed 5 yes. time: 8:04 pm


Motion Marcas to come out of Executive Session. Second Luke. Mary called for the question. Marcas = y, Luke = y, Mary = y, Shane = y, Chris = y.

– time: 8:57 pm.



No action taken.


Meeting adjourned 8:58 pm



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Mayor Fiscal officer


Severe Weather Alert