WCSM Headline News

Jul 5, 2024

St Marys City Council to meet Monday

July 8, 2024, Meeting of St. Marys City Council, 6:30 p.m. - Council Chambers, City Building
July 8, 2024, Meeting
St. Marys City Council, 6:30 p.m.
Roll Call
Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance
Acceptance of Minutes
1. Petitions and Communications
Roll Call
Prayer / Pledge of Allegiance
Acceptance ofMinutes
1. Petitions and Communications
Council Chambers, City Building
2. Reports from City Officials
Mayor’s Report
Tax Commissioner’s Report
Director of Public Service and Safety’s Report
2. Reports from City Officials
Mayor’s Report
Tax Commissioner’s Report
Director of Public Service and Safety’s Report
Reports from Committees of City Council
Reports from Committees of City Council
Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions
4. Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions
Third Readings:
ORDINANCE NO. 2024-13 — An Ordinance Approving the Editing and Inclusion of Certain
Ordinances as Parts of the Various Component Codes of the Codified Ordinances of the City of
St. Marys
Third Readings:
ORDINANCE NO. 2024-13 – An Ordinance Approving the Editing and Inclusion of Certain
Ordinances as Parts of the Various Component Codes of the Codified Ordinances of the City of
St. Marys
Second Readings:
Second Readings:
ORDINANCE NO. 2024-15 — An Ordinance Amending Section 711.02 and Repealing Sections
715.01, 727.02, Chapter 735, Chapter 739 ofthe Codified Ordinances
RESOLUTION NO. 2024-15 — An Emergency
2024-15 –
Ordinance Amending Section 711.02 and Repealing Sections
715.01, 727.02, Chapter 735, Chapter 739 of the Codified Ordinances
2024-15 –
Emergency Resolution Authorizing
the Community
Improvement Corporation to Sell Certain Real Estate Known as the Friendship Center in Villa
Nova as Agent ofthe City of St. Marys Pursuant to Section 1724.10(B) ofthe Ohio Revised Code
Improvement Corporation to Sell Certain Real Estate Known as the Friendship Center in Villa
Nova as Agent
New Legislation:
New Legislation:
5. Scheduling, Miscellaneous Business, and Closing:
5. Scheduling, Miscellaneous Business, and Closing:
the City
St. Marys Pursuant to Section 1724.10(B)
the Ohio Revised Code

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