Local News

Jun 12, 2024

Celina Lake Festival Parade Route to be different this year

June 11, 2024


Celina Lake Festival Parade Committee Press Release: _

The Celina Lake Festival Parade Committee is making a slight change in the parade route
for the 2024 Celina Lake Festival Grand Parade. The parade route change is necessary due
to the closure of Holly Street for the Celina City Schools building project.

For many years the Celina Lake Festival Parade route has begun at County Road and then
west on Market Street to north on Main Street to east on Johnson Avenue with the parade
officially ending at Johnson Avenue and Holly Street. At the end of this route the parade
participants go south on Holly Street to disband and exit the parade staging area. Parade
participants are discouraged from going north due to the tight residential streets in that
area. Some longer parade units would not be able to navigate the residential area to the
north of Johnson Avenue and Holly Street area.

Due to the loss of Holly Street as part of the parade ending route, the Celina Lake Festival
Parade committee has made the decision to alter the parade route slightly for the safety of
the parade participants and to make a smooth parade ending. After meeting with Celina
Police Chief Tom Wale and Celina Fire Department Chief Joel Lange, the adjusted parade
route will incorporate Buckeye Street south of Johnson Avenue to Wayne Street as the
official ending point for the 2024 Celina Lake Festival Parade. Unfortunately, this will shave
approximately 3-4 blocks of Johnson Avenue east of Buckeye Street from the parade route.
The 2024 Celina Lake Festival Parade route will be as follows: parade will start at County
Road and Market Street and go west to Main Street and then north to Johnson Avenue east
to Buckeye Street and south to Wayne Street where the parade will officially end.

The Celina Lake Festival Committee will explore the parade route for 2025 and beyond after
the 2024 Celina Lake Festival. We are hopeful to return to the normal route after the
conclusion of the Celina City Schools new building project. We apologize for any
inconvenience this may cause for our residents and spectators. We appreciate your
cooperation and understanding in this matter.

Monte Diegel, Co-Chairman

Randal Diegel, Co-Chairman
Celina Lake Festival Parade Committee

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