May 17, 2024

St Marys to put up signs honoring Neil Armstrong


RE: New Entrance Signs

ST. MARYS – In an effort to continue its mission to honor its history, the city of St Marys will soon be installing signs to honor one of its native sons.

Signs honoring Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, will soon go up around the city. Armstrong, whose childhood home still stands on East Spring Street, attended school in St. Marys as a child.

Several months ago, we began discussing how we can continue to honor our rich history in St. Marys,” Mayor Joe Hurlburt said. “We are always searching for ways to highlight our past and as we discussed it further, it was noted that a lot of people may not know that Neil Armstrong lived and attended school right here in St. Marys.”

The signs are the latest addition to the city as it continues to honor its history. Recent historic additions include the armory monument in Memorial Park honoring those who gave their lives in service to the country and the historic marker installed in front of the reservoir mill.

It is one of my goals to ensure our history gets told and is not forgotten,” Hurlburt said.

The five signs will be posted at the main entrances of the city as well as at Armstrong Park.


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